My plan to make $1M in the next 3 years

Feb 10, 2024 Ryan Kasa

My plan to make $1M in the next 3 years

Jay-Z once said,

“I’m not a businessman,

From a young age I always just wanted to “do whatever I wanted to do”.

I remember being on the bus going to school and telling my cousin.. “I can’t wait ’till I’m older so I can just do whatever I want”. I must have been 7 years old at the time.

I was always a good student, too good of a student really. I was always the first one done in class, got bored and started trouble. WTF was I supposed to do just sit there like an idiot?

The school system wasn’t built for a MF like me. I wasn’t built for the school system.

Don’t get me wrong I know education is of the utmost importance BUT that doesn’t necessarily mean “School”. Self-Education is the most important, especially in today’s world.

In High school I started smoking and selling weed. I didn’t see where school would take me so I ended up dropping out. I remember my mom was all bent and she said something that stuck in my head. She said, “You can’t just float through life!”

By that time I had already been a seasoned cannabis dealer in the streets for a few years. It allowed me to “do whatever I wanted to”. In a sense I was my own boss.

I was absolutely fascinated by cannabis. I was fascinated by everything about it. Even before I experienced it’s mind expanding euphoric properties it fascinated me. The plant itself, the final product, the smell, the look. The culture. It has a magical, mystical vibe to it that attracts people.

Especially back then before it was commercialized, it had more of a mystique to it.

Then there were the psychoactive effects, the physical effects, the spiritual/mystical effects and the medicinal effects of it. It’s safe to say I was completely obsessed with everything about cannabis.

I immersed myself in everything cannabis. Magazines first, High Times, Weed World, Cannabis Culture, Treating Yourself and books like Jorge Cervantes’ “The Growers Bible”. Then forums, shows, conventions and conferences. Plus the hands on knowledge from selling and being in the culture.

I went balls deep.

Here’s a picture from New Years Day 2003 when I was 16 years old:

New Years Day 2003 when I was 16 years old

It became what I was known for. My identity. My personal brand. Cannabis and soccer.

Fast forward about 10 years I continued my romantic journey with cannabis and got deeper into the game. Selling it and growing it.

It allowed me to play my own “Game of Life”. A life outside of society and it’s demands. I got to “do whatever I wanted”. I’m thankful because it allowed me the time and freedom to really analyze things. I had time to read and think deeply about life and existence at large and understand myself and how I fit in all of it. I did a bunch of Soul searching.

“Floating through life” and “doing whatever I wanted” along with the economics of cannabis I was able to live an authentic life of my own design. Nobody told me what to do, when to do it or how to do it.

I was autonomous and sovereign.

I smoked a bunch of weed, I read a bunch of books and I played a bunch of soccer.

I played soccer before I even played soccer. What I mean by that is I started officially playing in a league when I was 4 years old but I had already known how to play by watching my older brother (by 6 years) play. And I would play on the sideline with other kids.

By the time I started playing in the league I was slide tackling other kids and their parents were getting mad. lol I was good and had a lot of heart.

Back to the future when I was selling/smoking a bunch of weed, reading a bunch of books and playing a bunch of soccer and maybe a dash of psychedelics here and there, I started doing “Freestyle Soccer and Street soccer”. Soccer tricks kinda like the Harlem Globe Trotters or AND1 but for soccer instead of basketball.

I eventually got good enough to where opportunities came to me to do soccer shows and events. I remember the first time I got paid to “play soccer”. I got paid $250 for one event. I was amazed at how I ended up getting paid to play. It was kinda weird.

Here’s my first check in 2014:

My First Check Getting Paid to Play Soccer in 2014

I never intended on making money by kicking a ball around. I never even believed in myself and my ability to perform these tricks I was doing. Luckily, I had a buddy that believed in me and he was my Freestyle Soccer Guru.

I say Guru because he has that type of energy. A total eclectic personality. I knew him since my teenage years in my neighborhood where I sold a lot of my dope. He was a few years older than me and was always a Guru to me in different aspects. Always counterculture types of dealings.

So now I’m still selling weed but joined a Soccer Entertainment Company called the “Futboleros”. Once I joined the team I was able to make decent money freestyling and I got to travel the United States touring, doing halftime shows, all types of corporate events, school assemblies, birthday parties, you name it.

I was having a ball. I really was. I got to meet some really cool people that are life long buddies. I got to meet famous music/movie celebrities and soccer stars.

More importantly I got to influence a lot of kids. We used to blow their minds with our shows!! That really meant a lot to me. It was a whole different type of payout. The energy exchange was insane to put it simply.

I say all that to say this… somehow by following my passion I was always able to monetize my lifestyle. I got paid to “do what I wanted to do”.

Fast forward about another 10 years and I still work with the Cannabis plant, I still work in the soccer space and I branched off into growing microgreens and fitness training.

How I got into growing microgreens and Fitness training was just another natural progression of following my passion. Living a Lifestyle that I see fit and sharing it with the world like I always did.

Monetizing myself. My knowledge. My Skills. My lifestyle. My passions.

My life is my work and my work is my life. My work life is my life’s work. My life’s work is my life.

Jay-Z said it best when he said…

Jay-Z “I’m a business, man”

By recognizing that we are in the “Digital Age” and with the advent of the internet I can leverage technology to amplify my impact and extend my reach to anyone with an internet connection. With this leverage I plan to continue to monetize myself, my lifestyle, and my personal brand.

To tie it all up I’m adding writing to my arsenal. I chose to start writing for a number of reasons that I will break down in another newsletter.

Here are some reasons in no particular order:

1.Writing has been helping me gain clarity and de-clutter my mind.
2.Writing is good for making good quality content.
3.Writing is good for developing my persuasion skills.
4.Writing is good for goal setting and planning.
5.Writing is good therapy.
6.Writing makes you truly think.
7.Writing orders the mind.
8.Writing is a good form of communication.
9.Writing helps me with speaking and communicating verbally.
10.Writing is a necessity to actualize and eventually transcend ones self.

To put it simply I plan to make myself and my lifestyle a business like I always have but leverage the internet and technology to go digital as much as possible to amplify the impact I’m able to have on people.

I also want to add that all my past endeavors were all Spiritual Endeavors. They connected me to My Higher-Self, to The Higher Source Energy or God and also to my Earthly Brothers and Sisters. I truly believe that with all my Heart and Soul.

My new endeavors are no different.

My whole life is a Spiritual Endeavor. When I talk business and money these are just vessels of my Spiritual Richness that I want to spread to the world. The business arena is my battleground against Spiritual wickedness.

Business is where I fight the Spiritual War that is all around us.

All my business endeavors are for the good of mankind.

To help mankind transcend.

Transcend the mental by means of the mental.
To transcend the physical by means of the physical.
To transcend financial by means of the financial.
To transcend the “self” by means of the “self”.

As I continue to evolve and actualize my “self” within these domains I will in turn transcend my “self” by helping others actualize their “self”.

And eventually they will transcend beyond their “self” and continue the cycle by helping others through the same process.

Meaning as I continue to conquer these domains myself I will then be able to teach people how to conquer these domains and in the process of teaching them to conquer these domains I can systematize and teach them how to teach others as well.

To sum it up in one sentence, “Each one, teach one.”

A famous psychologist named Abraham Maslow came up with an illustration to show the needs of humans.

This is the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shown here:

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Here’s an example with fitness:

As I continue to actualize myself in the fitness domain and transcend my “self” by helping others actualize their “self” in the fitness domain. Eventually, when I become good enough at teaching people to get fit I can then teach people to teach other people to get fit. I will climb the ladder of the fitness domain.

The top of the ladder is to teach people how to teach.

I can do that with Soccer.
I can do that with Microgreens.
I can that with Fitness.
I can do that with Writing.
I can do that with Cannabis.

I can do that with anything that I learn about that others also want to learn about.

I can do online coaching, consulting, create online courses, do online webinars, make E-books and other digital products along with physical products as well.

All marketed, advertised, promoted, sold and distributed via the internet.

The school systems are outdated and cannot compete with this model of teaching. The traditional system is too slow. It can’t keep up with the demand and supply of fresh newly synthesized information.

The internet wins every time.

We’re all nodes. Nodes on a network receiving and transmitting information to one another. We’ve always been that. That’s essentially what humanity is. The internet has just amplified the speed and reach of the network.

It’s decentralized education.

It’s more natural than the traditional school system that’s designed like a factory. Like a machine. The top down centralized school system is really just indoctrination.

The decentralized distribution of information eliminates indoctrination.

I wholeheartedly believe in the Guru, the Mentor, and the Coach that utilizes the internet and technology to synthesize data and distribute it to people that actually want to learn what’s being taught. There are no gatekeepers controlling what’s being taught. You can learn anything you want and customize your own education making you more flexible in this ever changing world.

Here’s an abstract representation of a node network:

Abstract Representation of a Node Network

The Digital Renaissance is taking over.

There’s no stopping it, it’s here to stay. The writing’s on the wall for those that are able to really stop and take a look around.

There’s so much to gain for those who have the curiosity and courage to step into this realm and make use of it.

I’ve stepped into it and it’s changed my life entirely.

As I continue to learn and educate myself via the internet I will continue to take a leadership position in the Digital World and help educate others on their own unique path of “doing whatever they want to” and monetizing it like me.

I will document and publish the whole process as real time social proof on my social media accounts.

I place all my bets on this path and I’m excited to share my experiences with you all.

I will learn.
I will build.
I will teach.

This is how I plan to make $1,000,000 in the next 3 years.

Hit me up. I’m taking all bets.

Ryan Kasa

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