Why I joined a kult, online.(cult)

Recently, I joined a boot kamp (I’m using K as in inside joke) to help me learn how to write more effectively.

The boot camp is a low-key kult lol.

Let me elaborate.

I’ve been following this dude on Instagram for quite some time now. Maybe about a year or so and I really dig his worldview and his work. I’ve learned alot just from his free content that he puts out and I’ve been implementing alot of his strategies for writing online.

I’ve purchased some of his courses already and his book “The Art of Focus”. (I got the collectors edition that’s dope af and also came with extra educational information in the form of video/audio and coaching calls plus some other cool stuff like a planner)

So he’s been funneling me into his ecosystem for quite some time and obviously, I’m not the only one. The dude is bonafide with what he teaches and it’s evident with his cult like following on multiple different social media platforms and the platforms he’s built himself, like his newsletter.

I think it’s fucking awesome!

I hate to be a fanboy but damn this dude is good.

Mad props to him for getting me to down the “kool-aid” cus now I’m ready to transcend to another planet.

But seriously though, he articulates many of my own thoughts and feelings about life and philosophy so well and that’s what sold me on him.

I’m like damn.. I need to be able to articulate myself like this and I need to be able to make it persuasive enough to build an audience.

Having been siphoned into his funnel and then purchasing inside information on his tactics and strategies has given me a real-time learning experience from the comfort of my own home (mostly.)

It’s absolutely mind-blowing to me.

It’s a real-time demonstration of his teachings.

He’s “Building in front of an audience” like he always says and he has also demonstrated how to “Monetize Your Mind”. What an awesome world we live in today.

Just yesterday I stumbled upon a Steve Jobs’ quote and proceeded to fall down the rabbit whole of his life.

Steve Jobs predicted much of what is going on in today’s world and much of what Dan Koe (The Kult leader) teaches about.

The essence of Dan’s teachings is how to utilize online/digital/technological connection from peer to peer.

Node Network

It’s about utilizing the internet to transmit information from node to node.

It’s crazy to think that not too long ago Steve Jobs predicted so much of what has been unfolding in the world recently.

At the time of this writing on May 29, 2024 I am currently 37 years old and I’ve been a witness to the unfolding of such much of this new “Digital Age” right in front of my eyes. It’s utterly amazing and truthfully I feel grateful to be able to know what I’m looking at. I’d say 95% of people just waste their lives away being entertained by social media instead of using it meaningfully.

What I’ve been learning in the boot camp is more than just writing. It’s how to write effectively with persuasion.

It’s about how to write to show people how to see things the way you see things.

Then distribute your writing within online platforms creating a network of like-minded individuals.

We’re learning about these things and then practicing them online in real time. We’re building as we’re learning which is the only way to develop real applicable skills.

By doing. By experiencing and developing nuance along the way.

It’s awesome because I’m learning and building with people all across the world. Literally. We’re sharing our findings and insights and also giving each other feedback and constructive criticism.

The whole experience is expediting the learning process and also making it more fun and interactive. Being in the boot camp makes me feel a part of something that I’ve been searching for. A group of people that share the same goals as me that I can interact with and learn from and learn with. We’ve been helping each other achieve our goals.

It’s a beautiful thing and exactly how I think the internet should be utilized. We need leaders online and in the “real world” that are leading people to the lake. Not leading people to a desolate desert.

I’ve taken it upon myself to be a leader and it’s a lonely journey at times but this boot camp has linked me to some other solid leaders in the world that I would have never been able to connect with without the internet.

I shamelessly admit it’s a low-key cult lol and I too am building my cult following.. Why not? Is it not our responsibility as part of the human species to influence culture in an ethical way? To learn then teach and pass on what we learn to better humanity? I know for me it is, especially as a father. I have to leave this world a little bit better with a little bit more hope for what’s possible.

I grow microgreens and come from the cannabis industry here in California so I often find myself thinking in terms of cultivation and agriculture. We need to nourish and cultivate the minds of society and help curate culture.

I want to add to the collective conscious in a meaningful way with the intent of crafting a better world.

Maybe cult is too strong of a word lol maybe tribe would be better. I’ve joined a tribe and the tribe leader is teaching us how to lead others.

This is the essence of human evolution with the internet as a new means of transmitting information from node to node. (human to human).

The distribution of information has been the key to the success of human evolution throughout history. This is what makes us different from the other animals.

The inter-webs are the modern-day walls of the caves on which our ancestors etched information embedded in story form via pictures and symbols. The means and medium have changed a bit but the essence is the same.

Early Humans Etched Images on the Walls of Caves

It’s all about the transmission of information from peer to peer. Human to human. Node to node.

Without the proper information to direct our minds and our focus, we will inevitably fall into entropy.

Into chaos.

We will become degenerates thirsting unquenchably for degenerative dopamine.

It’s an ugly look on humanity, to say the least.

So I urge those who are willing to lead to lead because there are people out there who need a connection to higher levels of information and guidance.

Build a tribe and help others navigate through his world.

I’ll leave off with a quote that the Five-Percent Nation is known to use often..

“Each one teach one”.

Until next time my friends.

Ryan Kasa

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