The Digital Education Revolution (The Future of Knowledge Distribution) 

The Digital Education Revolution (The Future of Knowledge Distribution) 

Ryan Kasa April 20, 2024 

The future is now. 

We’re in the midst of The Digital Renaissance and many don’t realize what’s going on.  

Most are too busy being mindlessly entertained by brain dulling media, while a small percentage see what’s in front of us and are capitalizing on the opportunities.  

Like Nipsey Hussle said in the song “That’s How I knew” on the album Mailbox Money.. “You can look a gift horse in the face and not know what you lookin’ at. And I feel like, you know, I’m lookin’ at the gift horse I’m just one of the ones that notice what I’m lookin’ at. You know what I mean? It’s actually an incredible time.” 

The open distribution of knowledge has completely changed the landscape of learning and the world at large. 

The flood gates of information have been busted wide open. There are no more gate keepers of knowledge. 

It’s all out there thanks to the technology that so many have access to today. 

The powerful technology that we hold in our hands every day has empowered those who have taken it upon themselves to do so.  

Yes, it’s a choice. How is it not? 

It’s a choice to remain ignorant and stupid today. 

It’s a choice to let the resources we have go to waste.  

But actually, it’s becoming less and less of a choice.  

The integration of digital education is inevitable and on the rise.  

Just in the US the digital education market is projected to be valued at US$ 19.8 billion in 2024 and is forecasted to rise to US$ 240.0 billion by 2034. It is estimated to develop at a CAGR of 28.3% during the forecast period. 

Here’s a graph of projected market space for digital education. 

Education technology or EdTech is another proponent of the rise in the digital education revolution.  

With access to the internet and technology becoming increasingly better and cheaper over time it only makes sense for the distribution of knowledge to be leveraged by these tools on both sides of the equation. 

The users and the providers alike.  

Here’s a list of the major market drivers for digital education: 

Key Market Drivers: 

  • The integration of digital technologies has changed traditional teaching methods. 
  • High-speed internet and improved connectivity have facilitated the expansion of digital education beyond geographic boundaries, cultivating a globalized learning environment. 
  • Digital education platforms are enabling personalized learning experiences which allow students to progress at their own pace and access customized content. 
  • COVID-19 has accelerated the implementation of remote learning and pushed educational institutions to invest in digital infrastructure. 
  • Specified skill acquisition demanded by the rapidly evolving market has increased the demand for online courses. Digital platforms offering certifications and degrees in these skills have seen a huge rise in popularity. 
  • Digital education is often cost-effective compared to traditional classroom-based learning due to reduced physical infrastructure, travel expenses, and printed materials. 
  • Incorporating interactive and gamified content in digital education enhances engagement and makes learning more enjoyable. 
  • Governments are investing in digital education to improve access to quality education, funding, and policy support. With this type of support along with the promotion of digital literacy the growth of the digital education market is booming. 

We’re really at a form follows function situation. 

The technology is advancing so fast that it’s hard for the end user to keep up but that’s where EdTech comes in. 

Big companies are pushing the line while small one-man companies are also doing the same. 

Education is being democratized. 

Knowledge distribution is becoming peer to peer as much as it is corporation/institution to the individual.  

Like I’ve said in my previous newsletters, and I will continue to iterate. “We’re all nodes in the system” 

The human hive we call humanity is just one big system of information sharing and integration.  

In fact, this model best represents the nature of humans, and the corporations and institutions simply cannot keep up with the free-flowing distribution of peer-to-peer transmission. 

There’s no middleman and no need for a middleman. The internet allows for less friction between distribution and in effect time lapses the process of updating information.  

There is minimal lag. 

It’s an exciting phenomenon to witness and be a part of. 

I myself have purchased a few online courses and am contributing to the digital education marketplace as well. 

It’s a new economy that’s emerged thanks to the advent of the internet and other correlating technologies. 

Again, the form follows function. The function of the internet has formed new ways of sharing and receiving knowledge.  

The customizable selection of skill and knowledge acquisition is reigning supreme in the ever-evolving world we live in. One reason being the demand of the market itself is always changing and adaptability and the ability to pivot is crucial.  

Another reason being the ability to learn remotely from anywhere on your own time and at your own pace.  

Simply put, it’s more user friendly.  

Back to the more formal education system of the top-down model, Digital education is defined as an inventive method of using digital technologies and tools, which is carried out during the whole process of teaching & learning and is specifically known as Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) or digital learning.  

Digital education is composed of two major aspects called blended and virtual learning. 

Blended learning is a combination of online educational materials and mixed with traditional brick-and-mortar schools, which requires the physical presence of both teacher and student. However, the traditional face-to-face classroom activities are carried out in the presence of computer-mediated actions related to content and delivery. 

With Artificial Intelligence being added into the mix the AI will be able to pinpoint an individual student’s strong AND weak points and customize the learning experience for all students. AI will also be able to act as a tutor. 

This will help advance and enhance the students’ learning experience. 

Then there’s gamifying education… gamifying education will make a student’s learning experience more fun, enjoyable and engaging. That’s a good thing, right? Of course it is.  

Simulation teaching will be more prevalent with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) making learning an engaging and interactive experience. Having the ability to experience certain situations can enhance abstract concepts and ideas.  

Enhancing student engagement is the future of education. 

It won’t be boring textbook and chalkboard teaching of the past. 

Those will be an ancient means of teaching soon enough.  

Even the textbooks themselves will be like ancient artifacts. Physical copies of books are clunky, take space, take paper, cost more money, and are harder to keep up to date.  

Digital content can also be converted into the form of audio as opposed to actual text. Which is a method used for enhanced, alternative and specialized learning. It will be more inclusive for the visually impaired learners.  

Or visa-versa, audio can be converted to text making barriers between physically impaired learners nonexistent. People with or without impairments can collaborate with each other on projects. 

EdTech is leading the way for the “Smart Classroom” with teachers and students being able to utilize various multimedia resources like animations, audio, video, smart interactive whiteboards and touchscreens.  

Now let’s go outside the classroom and into the field of sports. 

Sports education can be enhanced via these same models of multimedia integration with digital technology.  

Coaches can coach remotely online with courses that include tutorial videos and graphic PDF’s that utilize visuals as well as audio to help kids grasp ideas of technique as well as tactics.  

Also, the psychology of sport through mindset and ethos using inspiration from quotes that fortify the players mind for the mental hurdles of sport.  

It doesn’t have to stop with academics and sport… with the creativity leveraged by the connectivity of the internet the possibilities of knowledge distribution are endless. 

It can be used for cooking, crafts, automotive, painting, music and all sorts of things.  

You can make a course on how to make a course! 

The writing is on the wall. The future is now and it’s wise to look forward and learn to adapt and pivot as times change.  

The basis of evolution revolves around the ability to adapt to the prevailing circumstances that a species finds itself in. 

Times are changing dramatically and rapidly.  

Don’t get left in the dust. 

The tools are available, don’t be a Neanderthal. 

You must evolve.  

Thanks for reading, 

Ryan Kasa. 

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