Man Vs. Machine (The AI Apocalypse)

Ryan Kasa April 5, 2024

What the hell will the future of work look like?

Well, if you’re reading this then you’re most likely the type to take that question and create an answer for yourself. 

And that’s what we need. 

We need people to take the lead and help create what the future is going to look like.  

Most people fear the future and what it will look like because of AI taking the jobs. 

Man Vs. Machine

That’s because most people are not too different from the robots themselves. 

Society has taken the shape of a machine rather than an organic living collection of beings. 

Since the industrial age society has modeled the machine with people as specific parts with specific functions within the machine called society.  

Each person with one role for their entire lives. This thing known as a career or job. 

Man became machine-like doing only one job over and over and over again. 

Cogs in the wheel. 

It wasn’t always like that.  

And the future will not be like that either. 

Man needs to know many things to survive. 

Now is the time to be multidimensional and versed in different aspects of life so as time passes you will be better equipped to adapt and evolve with the changes that time will present. 

The future is now. 

Even today, if you just rest on your laurels you’re leaving so much on the table. 

With all the resources at our fingertips it’s easier now than it has ever been to break free of the chains of a career and set yourself free by means of doing the things you’re interested in and enjoy doing.  

The internet makes so many things possible, like acquiring knowledge and skills for free, being able to showcase and share your skills online in front of an audience and monetize your skills and knowledge for free.  

Your life is really in your hands; at this point we no longer have to be controlled by employers to make a living. 

But we were not educated by the system to see things this way. 

We were indoctrinated to be in and of the system or machine. 

But we can build our own machines of our own design and set ourselves free. 

Knowledge is NOT power. 

APPLIED knowledge is power. 

Knowing is not enough, we must DO. 

And what we must do right now is acquire the knowledge to break free and apply it. 

We must also teach it. 

The decentralized education system that the internet is, is actually a burgeoning industry.  

The traditional education system cannot keep up with the changing times.  

It can’t because it’s an artificial system of transferring information. 

It’s design is from the top down whereas the decentralized dispersal of information that the internet is mimics nature.  

It’s a more organic exchange of information from human to human. 

We are all nodes in a network transferring data from person to person, when it comes down to it.  

Humanity has always been an organic system of decentralized nodes transferring and receiving information to and from each other.  

You’re a node and I’m a node.  

Network of Nodes

It’s our responsibility to learn what we need to learn in order to advance our lives and pass on the knowledge to our fellow human beings to advance humanity as a whole. 

We need not fear uncertainty, we must embrace uncertainty with creativity.  

I believe our creator created us as co-creators on Earth.  

I also believe we have created technology as an extension of our minds, bodies and even our Spirit. 

I believe we are at a point where we can use Artificial Intelligence and machines to co-create a future with. 

Like Cyborgs or Bionic Human Beings.

cyborg /sī′bôrg″/


  1. An organism, often a human, that has certain physiological processes enhanced or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices, especially when they are integrated with the nervous system.

We are cyborgs in the world today, functioning with and relying on technology and machines to operate on a day-to-day basis. 

Most just don’t realize it and going into the future many are reluctant to admit it. 

It’s ideocracy to say it blatantly.  

People want to resist change because they are too lazy to adapt and change. 

We don’t want or like these stupid mundane monotonous jobs anyway.  

We should be excited to do away with all the robotic work.  

I am. 

We’ve been brainwashed by the industrialists to believe we need robotic jobs to sustain a living. 

As a leader of myself first, my family second and my community third I choose to take on the responsibility to venture into the unknown and see what it has to offer. 

It’s my job to venture into the forest of the unknown, which is the future, and get a better understanding of what’s coming. 

Then I need to come up with a game plan on how to navigate through the unknown. 

It’s my job to make the unknown known. 

My best shot at that is by taking control and creating a vision of what that looks like. 

Which is what I’m doing right now at this moment. 

That’s the edge we as humans have on the robots. 

We’re creative.  

And with the tools of technology, we can be even more creative and use the tools for our advantage. 

That’s why it’s so fucking stupid to fear the tools that we can use to help us survive and thrive in the new economy that is emerging. 

With science and tech, we can be self-reliant and sovereign people with the ability to pivot, adapt and evolve with the times. 

But we can’t be fearful of change, we must embrace it!! 

With the resources available today leveraged with our creativity, the future looks bright. 

Without having to spend time on stupid jobs that currently take our time we can use that free time for personal development.  

We will have time to become better people and better communities working together on better goals. 

The answer to all this is we need to become better problem solvers. 

We can’t think of the future with old ways of problem solving. We can’t compare the future to the now and expect creative results. 

We have to detach ourselves from the current way of life and be more open-minded to new possibilities. That means letting go of the fear and being excited to converge with technology.  

We can’t resist the change and cling to the old. 

It’s ignorant and naive to do so. 

The smarter and wiser way would be to adapt and evolve with the times and look for the opportunities that will present themselves.  

To be prepared for these opportunities by studying and learning. 

Then add the human touch of creativity to seize the opportunities and optimize the circumstances we find ourselves in.  

It really comes down to the attitude we choose to use as time unfolds. 

Which, to me, comes down to faith in humanity and faith in a higher power. 

Like is said earlier in this newsletter, I believe humans were created to co-create with the different elements here on Earth and to co-create with whatever created us. 

Hence, life is all about creation and the use of our creativity.  

The fundamental principle of evolution is how a species interacts and adapts to it’s environment.  

Humans are a special species in that he can create and adjust his environment to his liking. 

Early Humans Manipulating Their Environment

It’s up to us to take on the challenge and embrace the responsibility to manipulate the variables that are conducive to our higher evolution.  

The evolution of our consciousness can be catapulted to new heights when we have the time and resources to invest in ourselves. 

As of right now most people are still stuck in the gears of the industrial revolution and don’t have time to expand their consciousness. 

They’re stuck in the rat race. 

With the time that will be freed up by the AI Apocalypse we can then self-actualize and reach our full potential as human beings.  

The AI Apocalypse in effect is a good thing.  

It’s the end of the industrial age, that which we were programmed to depend on.

But now our way of survival is being disrupted. 

People still want to be cuffed by the chains they’ve become accustomed to.   

But the chains are mental. And we don’t really want to be bound by these chains. 

Deep down inside, our souls yearn for freedom and autonomy, yet we’ve been conditioned to identify with these chains as a means to survive.  

We’ve accepted these chains as our lot in life.  

The challenge is to identify one’s Self and see things in a different manner.  

To first use your imagination and vision then create that vision.  

The world is ours for the taking.  

The next frontier is mental. 

It’s The Age of the Mind. 

We have to pick the locks of our caged mind then spread our wings and fly.  

The heights we soar to are only limited by our minds. 

We can be constrained by our minds or empowered by our minds.  

The power of our minds can be leveraged with technology to build a beautiful world.  

To choose otherwise is foolish and irresponsible.  

We have to reach a state of harmony with the elements of earth, technology and ourselves. 

It’s up to us and our ability to respond tactfully and skillfully to shape the landscape of the future.  

We must take the lead and blaze the trails.  

We can’t just stand on the sideline and be fearful.  

That’s not smart, wise or responsible.  

The future is ours for the taking, let’s be prepared to take it on intentionally and tactically.  

With courage and creativity. 

I believe you will, Ryan Kasa April 5, 2024.

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