Human Hives-The Purpose of Humanity-

Human Hives- The purpose of Humanity

Ryan Kasa March 22, 2024

“The Purpose of a Beehive Isn’t to Make Honey :  

Honey is a By-Product of a Healthy Hive”- Seth Godin

Bees are fascinating creatures with a fascinating way of life.

We can learn so much from bees and how they work together for a common purpose.

Each bee has a specific role and work they contribute to the whole hive.

These hives are highly organized and highly efficient because bees are great communicators with each other.

Humans are similar in this way.

Each person has certain strengths, talents and/or gifts that are meant to be used to contribute to humanity at large.

If we look at the internet in this manner some cool things can be drawn together.

We can look at the internet as a way of communication and organization not unlike the bee hive.

Human hives can be and are created via the internet.

Since the advent of the internet I’ve witnessed this with a number of things.

An example from my own personal experience is with the organization and evolution of cannabis cultivation, genetics and the culture at large.

I was a part of it online and offline here in California while collaborating with people all over the world via the internet.

With online forums first, then social media platforms like Instagram, people all over the world have contributed to the evolution of cannabis botany and cannabis culture.

I myself received a good amount of information and also genetics via the internet and also distributed information and genetics in seed form via the internet to people all over the world.

Together as a collective we pushed the boundaries of location and even pushed against and reformed the legal landscape of cannabis.

The force of the internet could not be stopped and had a huge impact on the evolution of the cannabis plant and the role it plays in the life of mankind today.

It’s amazing to witness and be a part of history as we have and continue to evolve alongside with the plant and it’s evolution.

The internet has had a major role in this drama.

Another example is soccer and with freestyle and street soccer, specifically. There’s absolutely no way that freestyle and street soccer could be at the high level that it’s grown to, in such a small amount of time that it has, without the advent of the internet.

Again, with forums and then social media platforms like YouTube, soccer advocates have cultivated an online culture that was able to connect and push the limits of what was previously perceived as possible.

With freestyle footballers being able to upload and distribute their tricks they mastered and share their techniques with other advocates online, the bar was raised over and over again.

They were also able foster the growth of the culture by connecting and forming relationships online and taking them offline into the “real world”.

Organizing “freestyle meets, seshs or jams” where freestylers would get together to practice and share their skills with each other, boosting the level of skill higher and higher.

With the power of the internet a small but tight knit group of enthusiasts were able to make an incredible amount of progress growing a culture in such a relatively small amount of time.

It’s been another amazing pleasure of mine to witness and be a part of.

An amazing thing to me is how individuals with such passion took it upon themselves to organize and contribute to a common purpose with common goals.

To organize with people who are at first strangers then become life long friends.

How cultures are germinated and grow from underground scenes to worldwide networks that could not be stopped.

Due in large part to the connectiveness the internet is able to provide.

But I can’t underplay the agency of the passionate advocates of either of these cultures.

Each person contributing the phenomena known as the “Network Effect” where the more people in the network making their own personal contributions increases the effectiveness of the network itself.

Simply put, the more people contributing the better the network.

With the high agency of passionate people serving a common purpose, anything is possible.

The human hive that the internet is, has so much potential for future possibilities.

For exploring new ways of life and forging new paths and getting people together on the same page.

Although I’ve been an athlete my whole life playing soccer, on Dec 2, 2024, I started taking my fitness more serious and started working out 5-7 days a week.

I got into fitness training when I joined an “Online Trainer” program where I was learning how to take my soccer skills and knowledge I acquired throughout my years and use them to become a soccer trainer online.

The program was geared toward fitness trainers but my intentions were to take the information I learned and apply it to soccer.

During the course I was able to get my Instagram audited by the course instructor and he liked what I was doing with freestyle soccer and growing microgreens.

He then convinced me that it would be a good idea to incorporate fitness training into my repertoire and so my personal “Fitness Journey” began.

Now, at the time of this writing I’m just over a year on my personal journey and I’ve been helping people with their health and fitness as well.

Dedicating myself to fitness and having a structured program has completely changed my entire life.

I wish I found it sooner but thanks to that online program I was able to be influenced into committing myself to the journey and from there I was able to use the internet to educate myself on workouts and nutrition.

One more personal testament of the power of the internet is the current trend I’m involved in which is the cultivation of microgreens. I see this as a growing trend that will reach huge heights, again, thanks to the internet.

As the industry grows, with the low barrier to entrance including low initial investment , low overhead and minimal space plus the free-flow of information, normal people will continue to empower themselves with the knowledge to take food production into the control of their own hands.

Those that wish to take it to another level and want to use it as a means of making money can also do so. Using social media to build their network, advertise, promote and sell their microgreens to their customers.

There are huge financial projections for this burgeoning industry and it’s easy to see how the internet is a part of that, with people contributing new and innovative cultivation techniques and adding to the collective knowledge base online. Along with new innovative tools and equipment that will be spread and distributed via the internet.

I personally, am using the internet as an educator, to create online courses and consult/coach people with soccer, fitness and growing microgreens.

I’m contributing to the collective whole aka “The Human Hive”, digitally.

By putting myself and my contributions online I can attract like minded people that want to learn the things I have to teach.

It breaks the restrictions of location.

There is no barrier.

I can do this by means of my own agency and my own will.

I don’t need permission from anyone to do so and nobody can stop me from doing this.

It’s all up to me.

I can choose to be a courageous new leader in the new world and help shape culture and nobody can stop me.

I don’t only see this as a great opportunity for myself to monetize my interests while helping people, I see it as a moral responsibility.

I see myself as spiritually obligated to contribute my strengths, talents, and gifts to humanity.

I see the internet as a tool I can use to leverage my reach and my impact on a local and even global scale.

I see the internet as a place of collective human consciousness where each person involved is either raising our collective consciousness and contributing in a meaningful way or they’re dumbing down the population with the content they create/consume and keep us stuck in evolutionary limbo.

My intentions are to document my process in order to demonstrate how to use the internet for good and show that it can be done.

My intentions are to inspire others to take it upon themselves to become high agency contributors to “The Human Hive”.

I see the tools and the time we live in as a great opportunity and a great responsibility to further the evolution of humanity.

It gives people like me a platform to work on and distribute passion projects that help me self-actualize and become a better person and also help others on the receiving end of my projects/passions.

It’s a win-win for everyone.

The internet is a Spiritual Battleground for the consciousness of humanity.

It has the power to shape our individual consciousnesses and then or collective consciousness.

It has the power to shape and shift culture and culture is the driver of humanity.

But without conscientious contributors creating and distributing content on the internet we give up crucial battleground to the enemy.

The enemy being chaos and destruction of the human mind.

The degradation of the intellect.

Entropy of the Spirit.

Just like the bees each human has the ability and responsibility to be a productive member of the whole. To contribute in some way, shape, or form.

No matter how “small” that person’s contributions are, the internet can amplify and strengthen their message, their knowledge/ intellect, their art and their creativity.

They can find and connect with a small or large hive and be a part of something more meaningful than themselves.

At some point in time bee hives do this thing called “Swarming” and its not just a huddle of a bunch of bees for no meaningful reason, it’s part of the colony’s reproductive cycle.

It’s a strategic move that’s done in order to start new beginnings.

Its a way of rejuvenation.

It’s a survival strategy.

Without a need for rejuvenation the hive’s growth stifles. It becomes overcrowded and overwhelmed.

When it’s time to swarm the Queen bee leaves the hive with about 10,000 younger bees. She left the hive behind with a new Queen and the older bee’s of the colony.

Swarm of Bees

It’s time for a new home and new beginnings. It’s a brave and bold leap into new possibilities.

The bees embrace the challenge without a definite plan or definite directions but they do it with connection and cooperation and with a definiteness of purpose.

They figure out the details along the way.

This all happens very quickly and abruptly.

In fact, the swarm will have no home for up to a few days.

They’re in limbo from the old, to the new.

What they do is find a tree branch and cluster around the Queen while hundreds of scout bees look for a new location to build their nest. These scout bees can cover up to 30 square miles of territory in one afternoon. Each scout bee visits a few sites until they find one worth telling the swarm about.

When she arrives back to the swarm she dances and wiggles to tell the others how excited she is about what she found. She will also have the exact coordinates on how to get there. Within minutes other bees will visit the site and give their opinion about the suitability of the site. After a day or two, the scouts will have visited hundreds of sites.

Then, all together, the hive will unanimously choose a site. After their decision is made they will quickly leave the site and head to their new home.

I see humanity stuck in this limbo of leaving behind our old home or way of living and searching for new frontiers in a more suitable location for the times we live in.

The old ways of living and working aren’t working.

With technology such as AI there is fear of our survival being at risk. Fear of our jobs being eaten up by these technological beasts.

The risk is real.

Our way of life is in jeopardy.

But that’s okay. It’s good. It’s part of nature and evolution.

The industrial age wasn’t a good fit for humanity anyway.

There wasn’t much humanity in it.

There was a great deal of industry, with humans being the machines.

Cogs in the wheel, forced to feed the machine while being a piece and a part of the machine.

The machine wasn’t built to be sustainable.

The machine is falling apart and something new is rising from it’s ashes.

Humanity comes from nature and is a part of nature. Not separate from nature.

Technology also come from nature.

Tech coming from the natural mind of man. Man using his mind to make tools of his surroundings and constructing his environments to suit his needs better.

We’re at a wonder filled time of possibilities for humanity.

The tools we’ve constructed over time are amazing in so many ways.

The internet has become an incredible network of people and information.

A network of great possibilities.

If we can all play our part in the contributions we make, no matter how small the scale, we can do miraculous things together.

This has been demonstrated over and over again in the short period of time that the internet has been around.

We can fight stagnation by being fresh and innovative with the tools we have in the palm of our hands.

We have to in order to be resilient in these fast changing times.

How we do this, is choose to do meaningful work, on meaningful projects, with meaningful relationships.

Work that creates an impact.

Significant work.

The machines and AI can do the old, less meaningful work of the industrial age.

Many people fear the future of work but we must embrace it with courage.

The future is indeed uncertain but we have the means to shape our environment and how we want to fit into it.

That’s what human do. That’s what we’ve always done.

The old word models are becoming more and more obsolete.

Change is the point of the work we seek today.

Just like the bees.

We need to venture out and create intentional cultures that focus on empowering and amplifying each contributing member, just like the bees do.

We need scout bees in human form.

We need leaders of the new world that create conditions for new innovative cultures to emerge and thrive.

Again, Just like the bees.

And remember..

“The purpose of a beehive isn’t to make honey :  

honey is a by-product of a healthy hive”.

I say..

“The purpose of humanity isn’t to make money :

The purpose of humanity is to make connections and contributions within a healthy culture.”-

Ryan Kasa

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